

Work with Coordinates in AutoCAD

Work with Coordinates

The coordinates of the world coordinate system(WCS) define the location of
all objects and the standard views of AutoCAD drawings. However, WCS are
permanent and invisible. It cannot be moved or rotated.

AutoCAD provides a movable coordinate system called the user coordinate
system(UCS). The XY plane of the UCS is called the workplane. In a drawing,
by default WCS and UCS have the same orientation. When you create and
modify objects in a 3D environment, you can move and reorient the UCS in
3D modeling view.
Use the right-hand rule to determine the positive axis direction of the Z axis.
By rotating your hand, see how the X, Y, and Z axes rotate as you change the

In this lesson, you will learn how to:
Align the workplane with the face of an object

Create and modify objects on the workplane of the current UCS


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